Recently new recruitment has been released in which Anganwadi worker and Tedagar will be recruited in 10 talukas of Bhavnagar district of Gujarat.There are 167 potential vacancies for Anganwadi worker and 236 potential vacancies in Tedagar for a total of 303 vacancies.
Name of the recruiter :- Anganwadi worker and Tedagar
District ::- Bhavnagar
Total talukas :- 10
Potential Vacancies in Anganwadi Worker :: – 167
Potential spaces in Anganwadi Tedakar :- 236
Total spaces :- 303
Type of application ::- Online
Form filling date :- 12-09-2020
Last Date ::- 2-10-2020
Official Site ::- Https://
Age :: – 18 to 33
🔰 Full details of all the small and big recruitments issued by the Government of Gujarat will be given here.In addition, new online tests will be put up every day and very useful material for all types of competitive exams will also be provided.Currently new recruitment has been released in Anganwadi worker in Bhavnagar district and in Tedagar the complete information of which is given above.
In addition, 9 districts were included in the first round and 10 districts in the second round in Anganwadi worker and Tedagar and at present new recruitment has come in Anganwadi worker and Tedagar in Bhavnagar district.Please share with all friends so that they do not have to fill out the form.